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♥. ♥. ♥. ♥.


Pamela Wong.
250988 .
Lil' Libran .
Ex-NYPian & BoonLayian .


<bgsound src="http://mp3.bimg.126.net/mu_l/kzN99vje9wLpl2ezY4egHA==/78250043525581963.mp3" loop="infinite">

Monday, June 8, 2009
life can never be more boring than this.

mum n dad went for honeymoon at bali;
left me with 2 brothers to take care. (fair enough)

my 3 princesses are all over the world;
leng darling doing DME-IAH
feli darling doing DXB-CAI
rong darling doing HKG-SFO

even ty was called up for ZRH
candie; say schedule very packed,
jasline; busy dating
josephine; working n dating
ziting; super busy dating


well, at least i attended weiting's 21st yesterday,
and met up with some secondary friends.

when everyone is free and back in singapore,
lao niang here will be leaving singapore for ten freaking days to DME-IAH.

FYI: i'm actually on annual leave, when everyone else is not free!!!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

歌名:我知道 (电视剧「比赛开始」片尾


委屈时候 没有你

虽然 分开的理由
所以 即使到最后
还微笑着 要我加油
才会 在离开时


答应你 我会好好过
不让 这些眼泪白流

Friday, January 30, 2009
sightseeing in rome is.........
a very historical country, with tonnes with stuff to see.
3 clear days also not enough.
the most tiring sightseeing ive ever done.
super shagged ah!

and the food here is... :S

cant wait to go back home!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009
this shall be my very first post for the year 2009! it may not be the very start of the new year, but its the start of the lunar calendar year. A very happy 2009 to those reading, and a happy NIU year to all. May the new year to be a better one. :)

i have not yet penned down my resolutions, so i will do it now.

1. i want to be discipline, and start saving regularly.
2. i want the determination, to really slim down. exercise regularly, and dont junk so much.
3. to be more positive, and work happily in my current job until i have decided what to do.
4. be more understanding, and cherish my dear boy more <3
5. more discipline; to sleep earlier, & improvise my lifestyle.

i think the resolution this year sounds so much practical than the usuals i have done. & i really wish i would follow it closely.

nonetheless, i wish everyone to be healthy. health is the happiness that nothing can buy.

because of the GMT, im now super confused of the time, the date, and which day is CNY now at. at the present timing, its 23 30 at rome, and 06 30 in singapore. so its "Chu San" right? im so behind time. family is in singapore doing their visiting, and im here at rome :S baby boy is also enjoying himself at indonesia. by the time im back in singapore, its alrdy 31st jan, which is the 6th day. but to me, its almost like day 1.

but luckily, i have ee vonn, my batch girl, with me this trip. its such a long flight; such a long stay.

today is the touch-down day, just had dinner, small shopping and we went to the trevi fountain.
i shall conclude that the spaghetti here is "too original", not to my liking. i wasted my whole plate of weird tasting pasta. conclusion, i prefer the pizza.

trevi fountain is just BEAUTIFUL! in the day, at night, it equally pretty. people do throw their penny, and make a wish. i have not done it yet. but im sure i will do it before i left rome. if only babyboy is there with me, and we shall make a wish together. :) this shall be my wish. babyboy , come read this!!

went spanish steps too. whats that? frankly speaking, im not sure. yet to google it. while taking photos just now, my colleague quickly come to us and said ( something like that in mandarin): " you girls got aimed alrdy, faster leave. grab ur valuables tightly. lets go". then i really saw a group of gypsy-looking con men looking over at our direction. super scary. like anytime, they are going to rob us. LOL

but rome is quite dangerous place. theres alot of gypsies, pick-pockets and con men. there is even bogus policemen in plain clothes, who check for money and passports. so our valuables have to secure inside our jeans, and grabbed our bags tight. its such a pity, what a pretty place, but yet we have to worry about those conmen and gypsies. sometimes i really appreciate the security level in singapore.

near the spanish steps, its like the walking street where the boutiques are. went Gucci and Prada. and before we know, all other shops are closed. they closed at an early time of 7.30pm!!! slightly better than australia. but the Gucci here is so so much prettier leh. i dont know why. so many items i have not seen them in singapore. almost splurge on a pair of pumps. lucky i never. went prada next, and i bought a wristlet. which can also be used as a clutch. very pretty! in their new rosy colour. happiness! no photos yet, cos i forgot to bring my card reader this trip.

its my first bag of the year. i ended 2008 with my LV :), and started 2009 with this small prada :)) woo hoo!

it now time to stop on all these small misc spending, and get serious about saving $$ and get smth more worth it right. chanel, wait for me!!

sightseeing tomorrow!!!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008


A P P Y B I R T H D A Y !!!

after a freaking long 8 days trip,
i'm back in SINGAPORE!!!
although i dont eat lamb/mutton,
i dont like turkish delights,
i have got enough of them.
so much for apple tea n kebabs n briyani.

so not going to touch any of them for this period
(did i mention i bought 3 boxes of apple tea back?!?!,
AND 2 boxes of turkish delights?!?!?!)
okays, its enough.

istanbul is quite a pretty place,
very rich in culture.
but i dont quite like the people there, esp the men.
so cheeky n desperate for girls like tt.
when we walked passed them,
nonsenses start coming in....
- "ohh.... nice pretty legs" *with a damn cheeky face
(directed at one fss who wore denim skirt n opaque stockings)
- "excuse miss, come in and take a look" *we just walked away* and he said:"come back! dont break my heart"
- "hey miss, come in n take a look" *as usual, we ignore* and he said: "pretty ladies, i love you"

and theres this guy who want to take individual shots with us,
and its my turn....
he put his hands on my shoulder,
and he said: "hug me hug me!"
my eyes almost rolled out.

one of the nights there,
while me n sarah were walking back hotel,
one fat turkish guy just popped out from the back,
and put his hands on ur shoulders.
mind you, its a pathway outside a damn ulu park
might be near our hotel, but still dont feel safe.
i was so SO shocked! & i gave a screammmm straight away.
after screaming, i ran abit.
LOL its damn drama also la.
i think i gave the guy a shock too.

quite trumatised,
grabbed sarah's arm, and we brisk walked back to hotel asap.
its damn scary!
so... in outstn, always have a guy ard at night.

nice place,
but quite a dangerous place i heard.
handful of cases where crew were mugged there
and there are many consters around.

nice set of crew tho :)))

photos will be uploaded soon, i hope.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008
its finally my first time to dubai,
wanted to go "Altantis",
an underwater and water themed park.
heard that its pretty happening there,
but as its pretty far from hotel,
and due to the timing and transportation issues,
we decided to give it a miss this time.

and we went ahead to the newest mall,
"Dubai Mall".
newest but i heard "Mall of Emirates" still bigger.
Theres an indoor aquarium and ice ring inside the mall itself.
cool right!
90% of the shops there are still "opening soon".
all the shoppable shops are "opening soon" okay!
even H&M!
we almost died of boredom there.
but i supposed by the next dubai trip, which i foresee in a few months time,
the mall will be fully ready.

went to tiffany&co just now,
as one of my colleague is getting her wedding band.
super envy lo.
i want to look for my own wedding band too!
"Will you still want to marry me????"
damn pathetic, i have to propose myself.

the weather at dubai is pretty good now.
its their start of winter.
i didnt know dubai got 4 seasons until candie told me.
its just abit more windy than Singapore lo.
but the summer here is NO joke.

its a pity that my lss and i didnt go for the desert safari tour.
cos all of them went before alrdy,
so we thought no one want to go.
she didnt know im interested,
and i didnt know she wanted to go.
owells, next trip then.
but pity leh, the weather so nice for desert tour.
at least i wont faint of heat stroke u see.

i'm still thinking about r.i.n.g.s...................
is it still possible???

i confess that i did wonder if u are the one for me,
if this is really THE relationship that i will hold on to for life,
& whether you are really the best boyfriend for me.
but sometimes i do ponder back,
am i really the best girlfriend for you?

however, i really do think that its fate that brought us together;
as there are so many coincidences that happens between us.
we have been through so much thick and thin all these years,
and i see no reason why we should end it in the waste.
a long relationship is really hard to come by,
and not forgetting that a long relationship is hard to maintain too.

when a relationship remains too stagnant,
feelings and thoughts start to sway.
but everytime i see you,
you brought my heart back into a whole.

there are times when u give me all sort of attitude,
tantrums & "thunder storm".
but when i need a shelter with love and concern,
you will always be there for me.

that day when u said that,
my heart almost break.
i used to think that maybe it happened,
both of us might be happier.
but NO!
and it makes me realised even more,
this cannot happen.

i cant bear the thought of you hugging another girl,
kissing or even making love to her.
the images of it just make want to kill the whoever girl.

i dont know if its dependence or what.
but without you,
my heart is never a whole.

maybe god gave us this 8 days to cool down
and think it over.
but no matter where am i;
dubai or istanbul,
i am bringing part of you along with me.
and part of me is staying with you in singapore.

donkey with me,
and giraffe with you,
i'm sure theres still hope for us two.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

<3 celeste, me & christy

i miss my cph de jie meis men...
and the set of very nice crew!
its always nice to work with the same person again,
(provided that they are the nice people).
and didnt i mention i flew with celeste again, for my perth??
just right after the copenhagen.
2 consecutive flights somemore lo!

i was adviced to sign you off

hmmm, maybe i really should!

Monday, November 17, 2008
it was a long day, at least for the 12 of us.
shortest flight, but doing it for 4 times is not short.
but at least the load was good :)
would be better if i was given 2 sectors,
without it linking to another flight.

i shant complain,
cos i rather do KUL 4-sectors than a turnard like MNL.

after the 4 sectors, my CL told me something really sweet,
that makes me smile :)
& have my motivation growing

its the little things that make it all so worthwhile.
their encouragement is my motivation!!

lets work towards 19 dec :D:D:D:D

Friday, November 14, 2008
photos of my trips are all uploaded in facebook :))

during mum's bday celebration dinner,
we had the squid ink spag.
its very black, u cant even differentiate which is the squid, and which are the spaghetti.
LOL cos its too black.
but its delicious.

unfortunately, i think im allergic to seafood.
(cos we had crab too)
and heres the results of allergic reaction:


its super itchy let me tell u!
this is the initial stage only.
if i let u see the current situation,
u wont have the appetite to eat anything later.
so lets pray im off this few days,
and let it recover.
i wouldnt wan to get grounded for this!

after all the ugly pictures,
i shall show u something more pleasant to eye.
my new set of nails :)
well, its not as pretty as what i expected it to be..
but theres nth i can do abt it now.

overdued entry...

pretty long ago, me n ziting darling was supposed to have a romantic date after her work.
but we have got a big lightbulb who decided to clash into our date.
who is this capable person?? haha! hes my big fat boy!

cheese baked curry rice. its nice, but the service sucks!

its time to go home...
ting ah,
although i "suan" you alot,
although i bully you sometimes,
i still love you!
hope you know that :))

another overdued entry....

my lil birthday dinner with princesses.
had our nails done, and dinner at Tonkichi with feli's bf, jeremy.
we spent too much time on our nails, and so it was a very late dinner.

Rong was not feeling well that night, but still she look as radiant!

the happy sweet couple

pretty nails!

heres mine. pretty isnt it? (but ive replaced with another new set alrdy)

together under an umbrelly :) sweet!
im the paparazzi for that night!

i hate raining days.
its so bloody hard to get a freaking cab!!
leng came down specially to pass me my bday pressie :)
and she went off for her night party!
my pressie from the princesses:

its so pretty right?
when i received it, i couldnt believe my eyes!
how on earth can this be happening?
but nevertheless, i wanna thank the 3 princesses for everything & everything.
rong rong, feli, and leng leng, u girls know i love you!!
& on a different note,
ive got myself a passport holder!!
my passport is not red anymore :DD

very long ago.....
my date with jasline. and poor jasline waited damn long for me.
few hours if im not wrong. just for me to do my nails n eyelash infill.
poor girl, its time to eat something good :)

ive got my hakubi pills :))
pls make me fairer!!

after the date, i met my gummy boy.
and had japanese food again... -.-

Thursday, November 13, 2008
what makes me blog so randomly??
thanks to jasline!!
i was tagged to blog abt the... "10 facts of me"!!
and here i am to do it. :S

10 facts of me
1. My dream is to be a housewife; and wait for my hubby to come home for dinner every evening :))

2. I want to have many kids!! (even though i know giving birth is painful)

3. I can cook!!

4. My housekeeping standards at work is very high, but it does not justify the messiness in my room.

5. I can be very mentally and emotionally unstable.

6. I cant read a map! so i usually use my charm when im overseas :D

7. Im the soft, demure and quiet girl at work. But im the loud and crazy pam outside work.

8. I can sleep everywhere, even when im standing in the train/bus.

9. Im only late for work once, and never on time for any appointments. :S

10. My nails are as thin as a piece of paper. if you are wondering how come i got long nails now, they are aryclic :)

okay, im done.
and now, i got a problem.... who can i tag?
i dont even know if theres anyone reading my blog not!
anyhow, im going to tag HuiLeng, Felicia, YiRong, PeiJun and WanEr to do this.


i know ive not been blogging regulary;
which i have not do anything since the last post.
all my apologies!!
i was quite busy, i was sick, i was tired
and VERY lazy.
cos i just wan to laze ard doing nth on my off days.
i know i owed many many darlings a date!
the list just goes on and on.
boyfriend was once angry when i allocated a schedule for him to meet me,
as i need to catch up with friends.
im sorry all my darlings!!
i promise i will meet up with everyone of you before 2008 ends k!!